Tag: Inclusive Projects

  • Building indicators for inclusive development II: elements of inclusive indicators

    This article lays out the general elements of inclusive indicators and reasons for their creation. It builds upon Part I of “Building indicators for inclusive development”. Elements of inclusive indicators Inclusive indicators are situated between inclusion and international development. Additionally they have to meet the requirements for measuring effective projects. This makes it rather difficult…

  • Building indicators for inclusive development I: the background

    The paradigm of inclusion is demanded by the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with disabilities. Thus projects and activities should be in line with the the general principles (article 3) of the UN CRPD and its aims should be respected. Which is easy, in theory. Turing towards practice this becomes far more difficult.…

  • Bildung inklusiver Indikatoren für Beschäftigung

    Dieser Beitrag ist aus pragmatischen Gründen im Rahmen einer Studie auf Englisch. Creation of inclusive indicators for employment The UN CRPD marks a major shift in international law for persons with disabilities. It promotes a rights-based approach and a social model approach for the inclusion of persons with disabilities. Still it stays at a rather…